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We develop software solutions for monitoring

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Software Benefits

Ability to work with a huge number of monitoring objects (>500,000), metrics (>8 000 000 000) and events per second (>10,000)
Possibility to work in the polling mode and collection of raw events
Work in distributed infrastructures, support for hierarchical installation architecture
Ability to organize fault-tolerant installations
Handling fault management, performance management and configuration management functions
Use of intelligent failure prediction mechanisms
Data collection from multi-technology and multi-vendor equipment and software
Flexible dashboards and reporting system
Open API
Ready for customization
Structured data model - Ready for Integration with CMDB and NRI systems

Our clients

Our clients are leading international companies. Their activities extend from telco and oil and gas extraction to high-tech nanotechnology. They serve millions of customers every day. And we serve them. For each of them, we have managed to develop an effective monitoring data collection, mediation and reporting solution.


Are you ready to start?

You can test our software on the demo lab and download documentation:

Laboratory Documentation

Supported platforms

Debian GNU/Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
SUSE Linux
Oracle Enterprise Linux
Debian GNU/Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
SUSE Linux
Oracle Enterprise Linux
Debian GNU/Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
SUSE Linux
Oracle Enterprise Linux
Oracle Enterprise Linux
Debian GNU/Linux
SUSE Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Alinom is all-in-one integrated solution for data consolidation and IT / Telecom infrastructure monitoring and management.

The basis of our business is creation of universal software for situation centers, network centers and data centers. A professional team of developers, engineers and managers allows us for many years do not to stop development, continuously increase the functionality, convenience and productivity of our software. We help our partners to address issues of transparency, sufficiency and uniformity in infrastructure management. Quality of our solutions confirmed by leading companies - software solution providers.

Company license 1145367
UAE, Dubai, Ras Al Khor Industrial Third, SHOWROOM-01-163